
Are you ready to be a manager? This energy industry client wanted to provide the opportunity for its employees to test the waters - to think and "feel" what it's like to be a manager and make managerial decisions that impact a team. But it needed...

Competing and growing in a hot marketplace is always a challenge. You need your people to be ready to take the next leap with you. We collaborated with this company's HR Director and OD Manager to create a program that would build the leadership skills of their...

2011 Gold Chief Learning Officer Award Faced with a large number of retiring employees in the near future, this regional utilities company looked to a team of people to help create a program that would build its next-generation leadership. We were proud to be a part...

Winner of 2010 Gold Chief Learning Officer Award This program incorporated our client's storied history, as well as its core values and vision. We collaborated with our client to ensure their ideas, culture, and business strategy were front and center - linking leaders with the overall business strategy...

Creating a one-team culture across the globe? We love a challenge. Starting in Europe and rolling out in the US and Asia, this leadership journey brought participants together and aligned them on the business strategy, values, and culture. Collaborated with our client to build two 3-day leadership programmes (and...

We love to collaborate. We collaborated with internal staff and leaders, two other development firms, and a myriad of external vendors and speakers to put together this fast-paced, global program that enhanced senior partner's impact with C-suite clients. Designed custom program logos and custom graphics Built 3-day...

2015 Chief Learning Office Learning in Practice Award Winner When we were approached to provide pro-bono instructional design services on behalf of our veterans, we hopped on board. We collaborated with a team of experts to develop a leadership program designed to teach veterans how to leverage military...

In order to implement this company's growth strategy, they needed their leadership to live it. They needed leaders to adopt a customer-focused mindset, work together across the globe, lead change, and align operational objectives to business strategy. We collaborated with a stellar group of leaders from within and...

We like good partnerships. And this is a good partnership. We have collaborated with this client for over 12 years to meet their ongoing instructional design and marketing needs. We’ve leveraged our marketing skills to ensure that the learning programs we designed for them have...

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